Fresh Corn Timbales and Lemon Creme with Fresh Berries / by George Geary

South of France

Timbale de Maïs frais avec sauce tomatoe Provençle(Fresh Corn Timbale with Provencal Tomato Sauce)

Timbale de Maïs frais avec sauce tomatoe Provençle

(Fresh Corn Timbale with Provencal Tomato Sauce)

In less then 2 weeks I will be joining my team and also the first week of students in the South of France. It is my 30th Season! I was trying to see how many of these corn Timbales would make with my new ramekins that I just got. This year we have two weeks of exciting tours. 

Créme de citron avec des baies

Créme de citron avec des baies

These are little lemon crême desserts for one of the classes. I will probably use local little fraise's (berries) that are so sweet we will not need any sugar.

We also go to a cooking school in the fishing village of Antibes and learn about using local flowers in cooking.

If you are interested in 2019 here are the links for the tour. We are half sold out as of tonight..

Brochure for 2019

Order Form for 2019 

if you have any questions email me at Oh and do you want the recipes for the above dishes? You will have to come on the tour! 

I will be sending pictures and notes out from our villa for you all to feel you are on tour with us.


25th Season Class

25th Season Class